A warm welcome to our new volunteer for Sunday bird recording Graeme Reed, a keen knowledgeable birder and previously frequent visitor to kingfishers Bridge. A large amount of fieldfare in different areas of the project today totalling in 137 overall. Also very pleased to spot a water pipit only 1 today but we have had up to 4 reported seen recently by visitors.
Not to much out of the ordinary to report today, smaller duck numbers than the last couple of weeks but still present nearby the reserve.
Not to much to mention today but the lake quite busy with plenty of duck seen from the Beecroft hide and elsewhere, 72 wigeon, 15 gadwall, 80 teal and 16 mallard.
Another quiet day due to the weather but good to see a large amount of wigeon increasing week by week, with 216 along the river and washes. And always nice to see a kingfishers.
A low count for the first of the new year overall, but still nice to see a good number of duck.
Results of our twice weekly bird census submitted by Bruce Martin and Graeme Reed
November 2024
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