Today’s highlight was a Woodcock in the North Pit that I disturbed when I walked along the path. I don’t know which of us was more surprised!
Highlight today was seeing my first young Whoopers of the season and an increasing number of gulls roosting on the lake.
Highlights were my first Fieldfares of the autumn, the long staying Great White Egret and the Whooper Swans.
Highlights for today were 4 new Whooper Swans that dropped in mid morning, and an increase in passerines moving about, including a few more Siskin and my first Redpoll of the year. The Swallow from earlier in the week was still present, flying and feeding with no obvious difficulty.
The highlights today were my first Whooper Swans for the winter, a late Swallow and the number of raptors that included four Marsh Harriers that came over, briefly pausing harassing a hunting Common Buzzard; one of the harriers with red wing tags and a Red Kite.
Highlight was 5 Whooper swan again on the lake at dawn, and the increase in the number of thrushes and Goldcrests added interest. Low light was the weather, with rain for most of the visit, so I didn't get to do a full circuit/count of the site today.
An interesting day, with plenty of movement - Skylarks, Meadow Pipits, Redwing. Highlights were 5 adult Whooper Swans on the lake at dawn and a most unexpected 10 Grey Partridge running away from me along the north belt track at west end of lake. Also good to see some Bearded Tits in the reedbed.
An uneventful count, though I was surprised to hear a Chiffchaff singing strongly!
Results of our twice weekly bird census submitted by Bruce Martin and Graeme Reed
June 2024
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